Saturday, February 10, 2007

Interfaith Power and Light

Does your Diocese, Judicatory, and/or congregation participate in Interfaith Power and Light.?
From their web site:
We are an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and faith. Our goal is to help people of faith recognize and fulfill their responsibility for the stewardship of creation. Specifically, the IPL campaign is mobilizing a national religious response to global warming while promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. People of faith have an opportunity to put their faith into action and help reduce the devastating effects of global warming.

Here are 10 things the site suggests that you can do right now:

1. Sign up your congregation to become an IPL member in your state. No IPL group in your state? Click here to see how your state can become a member or call 415 561-4891.

2. Go on a Low Carbon Diet, the 30 day program that helps you lose 5000 pounds. Find out how you can become a cool household by shedding pounds of carbon dioxide from your life.

3. Conduct a home energy audit. Use thermostat settings and insulation to conserve energy with heating, hot water, and air conditioning.

4. Sign up for renewable energy from your utility. In some states there is still no renewable energy to purchase. If this is the case in your state, you can buy wind tags - vouchers to help build wind energy -- from Native Energy with whom we have partnered.

5. Ask your religious leader to give a sermon on global warming.

6. Buy energy efficient home appliances and buy a fuel efficient vehicle.

7. Be an Energy Star Congregation by considering ways to improve the efficiency of your buildings and equipment and curtail unnecessary energy use. For information, call 888 STAR-YES.

8. Use a car less and walk, bike, and use mass transit more.

9. Write, call or email your elected officials. Tell them global warming is a religious issue, that the U.S. must participate in strong and fair international agreements and adopt strong national policy. This is the most important thing you can do right now!

10. Stay informed. You can do this by exploring the links on this site.

Coming soon! New ideas to help you and your congregation fight global warming.

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