Monday, February 5, 2007

What is Green Lent?

Green Lent is an idea I had while thinking about what to do for Lent. Last week there was a new report on climate change and the role of humans. Yesterday I was preaching on "call" and Isaiah. In the reading for the day, God says, ""Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I; send me!" One of calls I heard was about climate change and my role in it.
Last night (Sunday, February 4) our EfM Online group had an "onboard" question - what are we giving up or taking on for our Lenten discipline. As we discussed our plans, I was unsure for myself what it would be. Then this morning I woke up with "Green Lent" - a way to bring all my straggling thoughts and nagging ideas together. As a result this blog is a place where I will share what resources I find and hopefully you will consider making a pledge to have a Green Lent and to continue better stewardship of "this fragile earth, our island home." (BCP p. 370)
I am under no illusions that my little recycling efforts and using the car less will change the planet but it is what I can do. Maybe there will be more ideas from others. Post them in comments.


Susan Hagen said...

How about planting some trees for Lent? My sister planted some in my name through
American Forests for a Christmas present and I was delighted. I got looking
around and found several organizations that are working to plant many trees
globally. Wangari Maathai is the woman who won a Nobel prize for her Green
Belt movement in Kenya.

Ann said...

Thanks for the links and ideas.